Automated Pulmonary Nodule Tracking


More than 1.5 million Americans will have a pulmonary nodule identified every year(1). Only 29 percent will receive appropriate follow up care(2).

With Thynk Health’s Nodule Nav, healthcare organizations can improve follow up care from 29% to near 100% with automated tracking of patients within a healthcare organization’s lung cancer screening program. Thynk Health processes radiology reports, extracting number of nodules, nodule size, location, and nodule characteristics. Combined with patient age and history, this information is a significant predictor of lung cancer (research). The clinical team will be able to automatically track nodule changes within each appointment, flag nodules for follow-up, and recommend next steps. All of this is accomplished via artificial intelligence, allowing radiologists to keep traditional workflow in place and require no additional work.

Designed by Physicians for Physicians


(1) “Age, comorbidity, life expectancy, and pulmonary nodule follow-up in older veterans”, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

(2) “Not All Lung Nodules are Cancerous But Follow-up Care is Important”, Holly Stilz, PA., clinic coordinator at the UK HealthCare Lung Nodule Clinic

a complete lung cancer screening platform

Thynk Health is fighting cancer by working with healthcare organizations and communities to disrupt outdated, burdensome cancer screening processes and incidental findings management to remove barriers between patients and treatment. Our sophisticated solutions automate and simplify healthcare data systems to ensure no patient slips through the crack.

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